Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Today is Thanksgiving.  A time for us to reflect on our lives and give thanks for all of our blessings. 

This year I am thankful for my family.  I have a loving husband and two great children.  I am thankful to have a roof over my head and food on my table.  I am thankful for my friends, the ones that have stuck by me through thick and thin, the ones that I have reconnected with, and the new ones that I have made.  I am thankful for a job that allows me to volunteer in various charities including CHERUBS.  I am thankful that my mom & my in-law's are able to join us for a long weekend.  I am thankful for a loving brother and sister that are there for me whenever I need a laugh, a hug or just someone to talk with.

I know there are times when it is very difficult to give thanks.  This year my brother-in-law passed away.  And this weekend is the fifth anniversary of my dad's passing.  But I am thankful for the time that we had together.  I am thankful for the memories that we created.  They may be gone, and the pain of losing them will always be there, but they will live on in our memories.  And to that I am thankful. 

I hope that each of you take a little time to reflect on your blessings and give thanks.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

CDH Awareness

Today I wore my new CDH shirt for the very first time.  It is the one with the CDH in the middle of the wings.  I love the design.  I was hoping that someone would ask me about it so I could talk about CDH & CHERUBS a little bit.  Unfortunately, it didn't happen.  That won't stop me from wearing the shirt though.  My daughter said she would like one also, so maybe I'll buy one for her for Christmas.  Then maybe someone will ask her about it at school.  You can never be too young to start raising awareness.

All of this started to get me thinking about how else I could raise awareness.  I write about it on Facebook.  I post the Pepsi Refresh voting on Facebook too.  I talk about  CDH & CHERUBS when I'm volunteering at my son's school. My daughter wrote about it in a paper for school in the fifth grade.  My son is even thinking about using CDH as part of his science fair in the future.

Then I started to think about contacting the local paper.  I'm thinking about the little local paper that comes out once a week.  But what if they aren't interested in hearing just our story?  Would they believe the statistics I will give them?  Would they believe that if the population of Farmington MN (17,740 as of 2008) were all babies, slightly over 7 of them would have this birth defect?  Would they care?

I will be contacting them.  I also believe there is power in numbers.  If there is another CDH family interested in telling their story to the local paper, why not contact me?  Please send me an e-mail at  Maybe together we can get our story heard.

I can't sign off without putting a plug in for the Vote for Kids Project.  Please remember to vote every day.  Remember, there is power in numbers

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Snow? Already?

At 5:30AM today, a Saturday, my CHERUB woke up complaining about a funny noise he heard on his window.  Dad told him to look outside because that funny noise was the snow that was starting to accumulate.  Well, to a 7 year old, it doesn't matter what time of the day it is, if there is snow he wants to be out in it.  He was very patient and waited until the rest of us were up, dressed and done with breakfast before heading outside to play.

Being able to send your child outside to play in the snow should be normal.  However, I've come to realize that letting my little guy play outside in certain weather can lead to respiratory issues.  It usually only lasts for a few days, but it happens just the same.  So do I not let him go out or just deal with the repercussions of his wanting to be like his big sister? 

Once again I am faced with the fact that my son is not like the majority of 7 year olds.  Yes, he likes cartoons, monster trucks, playing at the park, etc.  But he can't handle being out in the cold for long.  He wears a brace due to scoliosis which makes it difficult for him to maneuver.  He becomes easily winded when he runs. 

The best that I can do is to teach him to accept himself for who he is.  He is unable to play in sports, but he is doing a great job of learning to play the piano.  His smile is contagious.  He has an unbelievable sense of humor.  He is excelling academically.  So he may be a book worm instead of a jock, but that's just fine.  I thank God every day for this Blessing we've been given.

I can also do whatever is possible to raise awareness for CHERUBS and CDH.  I can vote in different contests the like Pepsi Refresh, hold fundraisers and buy t-shirts.  I can write letters and messages of Facebook.  All of this is not only to raise awareness, but to raise money to fund research so that other parents won't have to face what so many of us have already face with this birth defect.  Won't you join me?

Friday, November 12, 2010

More Ways to Help

I haven't posted much lately, and now I have two posts in one day.  Go figure.

Here are a few more ways that you can help raise awareness for CHERUBS:

How many times a day do you search something on your computer?  Did you know there is a way you can earn money for CHERUBS while doing a search?  Download the CHERUBS toolbar at GoodSearch.  Each time you do a search on your computer you will help raise money for CHERUBS.  And if you make any purchases through the GoodSearch Shop, a portion of your purchase will go to CHERUBS.  It is pretty easy to do and it only takes a few minutes of your time to download the toolbar.  Here is the link to download the toolbar:

On November 25, 2010 there will be a CHERUBS E-bay auction.  I will post more information about this shortly.

Did you know that you can also purchase a CHERUBS ornament?  You can find more information about them 
at this link:

I'll post more ideas as I come across them.  Once again, please feel free to mention any that you are aware of also.

What Can Be Done?

Anyone who knows me would agree that I have the "gift of gab".  I am known to be able to talk nonstop.  So, it is surprising to people that I have a hard time writing a blog.  What if I ramble?  Do I have anything worth sharing to people that I don't even know?  Then I think about how we are connected.  A horrible birth defect known as Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH). And when I read about another baby lost to CDH, I think "how can I not write". 

I know you have probably all read and heard the statistics about CDH.  Most of you have gone through a CDH experience in your life with either your child, grandchild or yourself having CDH.   Right now I feel I need to state those facts again. One in every 2,500 births has CDH.  Only about 50% of those babies survive.  As I was told in the hospital at the birth of my son "The only thing CDH babies have in common is that they have nothing in common".  One baby born with very little lung tissue may survive while another born with a lot may not.

So, what can be done to help other babies and families from going through this?  We need to raise awareness.  We need to help raise funds for research as to why this happens and what can be done about it.  We need to help families that have received the devastating news about their unborn child.  We need to help families that are currently in the hospital.  You may be thinking, sounds great, Brenda, but I'm only one person.  What can I do to help?  Yes, you are one person, but together we can make a large and mighty group.

Right now the Pepsi Refresh voting is taking place.  By taking just a few minutes of your day to click on a few buttons, you can help CHERUBS and a few other children's charities in this contest.  Here's the link:  You can make more people aware of this contest by posting the link on your Facebook page, your own personal blog (if you have one) or just e-mailing people in your address book.

Maybe you would like to volunteer.  CHERUBS has many great volunteer opportunities available.  Or maybe you have an idea that you would like to share.  Please let me know.  Together we can work to find a cure so no other families will have to hear the words "Your baby has a congenital diaphragmatic hernia".

Sunday, November 7, 2010

A Few Ways to Support CHERUBS

First, let me apologize for not having any postings lately.  I wonder to myself if anybody is interested in reading my posts at all.  But when I think about CHERUBS and all of the babies out there, how can I not post.  I will try to update on a more frequent basis in the future.

We continue to be in the Pepsi Refresh contest, but the name has changed a bit.  It is now "Vote for Kids" .   CHERUBS has teamed with other children's health and education projects and charities in the November voting.  Please remember to take the time to vote each day.  It only takes two minutes.

We've have now entered the month of November.  The leaves are off the trees.  The days are getting shorter.   The weather is getting chilly.  Time to be pulling out the long sleeve shirts and sweatshirts.  Maybe you would like to buy one at the CDH Awareness Shop.  There are shirts for kids and adults, including maternity shirts, along with ornaments, books, magnets...the list is endless.  Stop by and take a look.  Remember that Christmas is right around the corner.  Maybe you want to pick up a gift for someone.

 There are so many different ways to support CHERUBS.  I'll be writing about more in upcoming blogs.

Until then, have a great day.