Friday, December 31, 2010

Do You Believe in Miracles?

About a week or so ago a friend on Facebook asked if anyone believes in miracles.  Without a doubt, I believe in them.

Eight years ago today I wasn't feeling quite like myself.  Since I would be turning 40 in 9 months, I just chalked it up to my age.  I thought for sure I was getting ready to head into that next "stage" of my life.  All morning long I kept having this nagging feeling that it wasn't my age, but that I could be pregnant.  Just the thought of that made my laugh.

You see, my husband and I had tried for years to become pregnant.  When it just wasn't happening, we decided to see a specialist.  Long story short, after a three year period of two different specialist,  six rounds of Clomid along with artificial insemination and failed IVF's, we were finally able to welcome a beautiful little girl into our lives.  We were so delighted we decided two years later to try again.  However, it just wasn't meant to be.  At eight weeks of pregnancy, I miscarried twins.  After many more tests, one of the top ten fertility specialists in the United States stated I was too old and would never be able to get pregnant again, much less maintain a pregnancy to term.  We were devastated.

We went on with our lives, but there was always a nagging feeling that our family wasn't complete.  We prayed continually for another child.  Maybe we needed to adopt, but the doors weren't opening for us in that direction.  I finally turned it over to God.  I remember saying that if it wasn't suppose to happen, it wouldn't, but that God knew the desires of my heart and that was to have another baby.

Fast forward to December of 2002.  We were asking our then 4 year old daughter what she wanted for Christmas.  She said a baby brother or sister.  We sat her down and tried to explain to the best of our ability that it probably wouldn't happen, especially with Christmas about a week away.  I'll never forget her child like faith saying "My teacher said if you want anything, you should pray for it.  So I'm praying for a baby."  And the subject wasn't mentioned again.

When lunch time rolled around that New Year's Eve of 2002, I decided to make a quick run to the grocery store and take a test.  Imagine my shock and surprise when that test was positive!  After nine years of infertility, the Lord had answered our prayers.  I'll never forget my husband's reaction that night when I handed him a gift bag stating I knew what I wanted to do for my 40th birthday while he pulled out a baby bottle.

This is where our CDH journey started.  Going through all of the ultrasounds, medical tests, surgeries, hospital stays, etc. did not sway me in the least on my belief in miracles.  I had already experienced one and I knew there could always be more.  And there were more, but we'll save those for later blogs. 

So when I am asked if I believe in miracles, I say a loud YES!  I have living proof that miracles still exist.  Do you believe?  I hope so.

Happy New Year everyone!


Thursday, December 30, 2010

Year End Vote Blast

Today we are having another Vote Blast for the Vote for Kids Project.  It is one day, 100,000 votes for 10 great charities for children.  If you use Twitter, Facebook or MySpace, please tell everyone what cause you're voting for and why!  Post a comment such as the following:
My vote is for Taylor, born with CDH, who is your vote in honor of? Post the name of a child who is special to you in your status and pass this on!

Vote for all 10 charities at once!

I know that it can be difficult to repeatedly ask people to vote.  If we don't ask, how will it get done?  Who's going to speak up for these kids?  Can you imagine what can be done with this grant?  It could help 500 CDH families!  Wouldn't it have been great to be able to have that help when our children were first diagnosed?  What if it could help prevent any other family from hearing those words "Your child has a congenital diaphragmatic hernia".  

We really need to move up in rankings.  As of 3 days ago, we were in #21 and need to move up to #10.  That is going to take a lot of votes.

Please take the time to pass the word on this great cause.  

Have a great day!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

It is Almost Christmas

Here we are, December 23rd.  I'm trying to be a good santa.  I've made my list and I'm checking it twice to make sure that nobody is forgotten.  Making sure that everyone who needs a gift has one. 

Yesterday was my son's last day of school until after the holiday break.  I had the present wrapped for his teacher, the cards for the secretaries and principal at the school.  Ten minutes before we were to leave, he decided he wanted to give a present to his school nurse.  That made a lot of sense.  He is in her office frequently.  She follows up with me whenever he visits her for bumps, cuts, etc.  I am very thankful that Bath and Body Works had great deals this year on their products.  I was able to pull out a bottle of Christmas anti-bacterial hand soap for her.  She said it was the perfect gift for a nurse who needs to wash her hands so frequently throughout the day.  My son's face lit up like he had given her the best present around.

Sometimes finding the perfect gift can just happen.  Other times it can be quite stressful.  Some times we just have to take a step back and realize that sometimes there is no perfect gift that can be bought in a store.  Maybe it is just taking time to sit with your child to read a book or to cuddle.  Maybe it is giving someone a telephone call or writing a quick note.  Maybe taking a meal over to someone who is going through a difficult time.  Maybe just being there to offer a shoulder for a grieving family.  Those little things can mean more than all of the store bought presents put together. 

Please take a few minutes to think about what is truly important.  Is it finding this year's newest toy that will be forgotten or broken in a few weeks?  Finding that perfect gift for someone?  Or is it the true meaning of Christmas?  Celebrating the best gift of all. 

Merry CHRISTmas, everybody.

Vote Blast

Today is a big vote blast for the 10 charities we are supporting through the Pepsi Refresh Project.  It is our one day to try to reach 100,000 votes for the kids.  Please take the time to vote.  I have included a link for you.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Winter Storm

Well, Minnesota, we are having another reminder of why our state is affectionately known as MinneSNOWta".  I've read that our area received anything from 17"-22" in about a 24 hour period.  I wonder how much we've received to date.  With this much snow already, it seems like it is going to be a long winter.  Did I say long winter?  Wait, winter doesn't start until December 21st.  It is still fall here.  Welcome to MinneSNOWta.

Now we are in the bone chilling subzero temperatures.  And we won't even get into the wind chill factor.  People outside our state just don't understand what it is like.   

Since diesel and cold temperatures don't go well together, I decided to take my son to school myself rather than letting him ride the bus. It only took a few seconds for him to cough a little bit from the cold taking his breath away.  I'm so glad that he is getting old enough to realize when that happens he needs to wear a scarf or breath into his jacket to warm the air a bit for him.  

Today the cold temperatures outside will keep me in the house baking cookies and cleaning while listening to Christmas music.  I feel so Becky Homecky having warm cookies just out of the oven when the kids walk through the door after school.  I'm also taking the time to vote for CHERUBS and the other projects for kids in the Pepsi Refresh Project.  In case you lost the link, here it is again.
Take care and stay warm!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Minnesota Get Together

I was thinking it would be great to start off the new year by planning a get together for the Minnesota members of CHERUBS.  I'm thinking just a get together to be able to put names with faces.  Maybe we could go bowling, out to eat or just get together somewhere where the kids could play while the adults talk.  I'm open to suggestions.

I live in Farmington, which is by Lakeville and Apple Valley.  For those that don't know where that is, we are also the very bottom of what is considered the Twin City metro area.  I could find something around my area or move closer to Minneapolis.

If you have any ideas, please e-mail them to me at  Hope to hear from you soon.

Thank you.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Season of Giving

How many times have you heard the saying "'Tis the season of giving".  You've probably heard it more than once.  Have you ever taken the time about what it really means?

If you are like most people, you think that it is the time to give gifts.  Time to join the hustle and bustle in the stores to buy the "perfect" present for someone on your list.  Or maybe sitting in the comfort of your own home buying that present on-line. 

Did you ever think that you can give without spending money?  How about giving the gift of time?  Find a charity that is looking for volunteers, such as CHERUBS.  Maybe spend a little time volunteering at your child's school by reading with a child or helping a teacher with some projects.  You can always volunteer at the local food shelf or nursing home.  Maybe take a little time to donate blood at the local blood drive.  You may be thinking that during such a busy time of the year you don't have enough hours in the day to get your to do list done much less find time for something new.  Then why not take a few minutes to make that phone call you've been meaning to make.  Or write a quick note of encouragement to a friend.  Maybe just sitting and listening to someone who's going through a difficult time.  Take those few minutes to vote in the Pepsi Refresh Project.

Another way of giving is through random acts of kindness.  Hold the door open for someone.  Smile and say thank you to a cashier or waitress when you are out.  Maybe pay for the coffee for the person in the car behind you at the drive thru.  You never know who's life you could be touching.  Little acts can go a really long way.

I read that if you do something every day for 21 days, it will become automatically become a habit.  Why not give it a shot?  Do a little something extra each day for the next 21 days.  Then it won't just be the "season of giving", but the year of giving.  You'll be surprised at what a difference it can make.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Pepsi Refresh Project

CHERUBS is starting in the top 20 for the month of December in the Pepsi Refresh Project.  Please take time to vote every day in the project to help earn grants for babies born with CDH.  We have all experienced CDH either through the birth of our own child, a grandchild or even ourselves.  Let's do what we can to help these babies out.

Don't forget that you can also text in your votes.

$250k CDH RESEARCH - text message 102542 send to 73774 (pepsi)
$50k Awareness - text 102365 to 73774
$25k Hospital Kits - text 101211 to 73774
$25k Financial Assistance - text 101202 to 73774
$25k Care Packages - text 102123 to 73774

Let's help those babies.