Thursday, December 23, 2010

It is Almost Christmas

Here we are, December 23rd.  I'm trying to be a good santa.  I've made my list and I'm checking it twice to make sure that nobody is forgotten.  Making sure that everyone who needs a gift has one. 

Yesterday was my son's last day of school until after the holiday break.  I had the present wrapped for his teacher, the cards for the secretaries and principal at the school.  Ten minutes before we were to leave, he decided he wanted to give a present to his school nurse.  That made a lot of sense.  He is in her office frequently.  She follows up with me whenever he visits her for bumps, cuts, etc.  I am very thankful that Bath and Body Works had great deals this year on their products.  I was able to pull out a bottle of Christmas anti-bacterial hand soap for her.  She said it was the perfect gift for a nurse who needs to wash her hands so frequently throughout the day.  My son's face lit up like he had given her the best present around.

Sometimes finding the perfect gift can just happen.  Other times it can be quite stressful.  Some times we just have to take a step back and realize that sometimes there is no perfect gift that can be bought in a store.  Maybe it is just taking time to sit with your child to read a book or to cuddle.  Maybe it is giving someone a telephone call or writing a quick note.  Maybe taking a meal over to someone who is going through a difficult time.  Maybe just being there to offer a shoulder for a grieving family.  Those little things can mean more than all of the store bought presents put together. 

Please take a few minutes to think about what is truly important.  Is it finding this year's newest toy that will be forgotten or broken in a few weeks?  Finding that perfect gift for someone?  Or is it the true meaning of Christmas?  Celebrating the best gift of all. 

Merry CHRISTmas, everybody.

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