Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

Today is the first day of 2011.  The time of the year when people make resolutions, a commitment that they are making (usually to themselves) for the next year.  A time to start with a clean slate. Maybe they pledge to work out more, eat healthier, find a new job, volunteer more, quit smoking....  The list is endless.  Did you make a resolution this year?

Each year I contemplate if I'm going to make a resolution for the year.  It is usually to work out more and eat healthier.  I'm usually pretty good about it too.  For a month.  By the time February rolls around, I am right back to my old habits.  I admit I'm addicted to sugar.  I start off with all of the candy that the kids received over Christmas, because the Halloween candy is long gone by now.  Then comes Valentine's Day.  I'm ok with the chocolate, but those Brach's sour cherries are my downfall at this time of the year.  You can only find them from now until the middle of February.  Then comes Easter with the jelly beans.  Jelly beans!  To me, they are the best candy ever created.  So much, in fact, that my husband proposed to me by hiding my ring in a ginger jar full of Jelly Bellies.  Then I get upset with myself that I gave into all of it and packed on a few pounds, just in time to start pulling out the shorts.  Yikes!!!  But when January 1st rolls around, I'm ready to try to make the same pledge.

So, if I'm going to make a resolution, it is going to be one that I know I can stick to for the year.  Our pastor once said his resolution was to never turn down free pizza.  That's the kind of resolution I can keep.  I once joked that my resolution was to not make a resolution for the year.  And since it was a resolution that I broke immediately, I didn't have the guilt over the other 364 days of the year.

This year I am making a resolution.  It is "To Do My Best".  To do my best at what?  Whatever I am doing.  To do my best at being a mother, a wife, a sister and daughter.  To do my best as an employee and a volunteer.  To do my best as a friend.  To just do my best.  After all, isn't that what I tell my kids?  They may not win a game, but as long as they did their best, that is all that matters.

So here's to a brand new year.  A year of doing my best.  What's your resolution?

Happy New Year!!!


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